
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Not cookies

In the final episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there's a conversation between Buffy and Angel about cookie dough and cookies. It's a metaphor for being suited to someone, being in an emotionally ready place to be with him or her.

After spending a few days with simpatico guy, I've come to the conclusion that he's not cookies. At least, he's not cookies for me. I'm not sure he's even cookie-dough for me.

Not to say he's not simpatico. I think he is, but I think I've learned that first, second, third, fourth and even fifth impressions can be incomplete. And sometimes, things just don't work out the way you'd hoped they would.

I'm an idealist, and I have a habit of idealizing people. And I'm slowly learning that's not fair to me or to them. I idealized simpatico guy, and went into things with some unrealistic expectations.

So from here on out, if you hear about simpatico guy I'll use his real name or an initial. It's the first step toward the unidealization of him, and acceptance of him as a friend.

P.S. Kella, thank you for the wonderful card. I've been slow on the uptake with acknowledging those who took the time to send condolences. I think the correct answer is "buck."


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