
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Monday, July 23, 2007

The book

I've only read Deathly Hallows once so far, and unlike Half-Blood Prince I haven't yet felt inclined to start over to try to puzzle it out.

I'm not planning to leave my thoughts here yet, since readers of this blog may not yet have had the chance to finish.

However, those who have finished should enjoy the farcical epilogue, thanks to the fine folks at the Shoebox Project: "Shoebox Potter and the Deathly Hellos." Its slashy, irreverant and yet still very clearly fond of the Potter universe. Exactly as we expect Shoebox to be.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Gmail ads

Okay, so the targeted ads thing in Gmail is a bit creepy.

I'm getting ads for "Mononucleosis Treatment" (which, admittedly, is great product placement, given that I was diagnosed on Monday) and "Romantic Wedding in Italy" (not-so-great product placement … hello, I have mono … the last thing I want right now is to think about romance or travel … let alone a wedding).

From an advertisers' perspective, though, those targeted ads totally hit the mark based on the words I used in my most recent email to Silly Misanthrope which a) informed him I have mono and he should watch for symptoms and b) told him how I feel about him.

I think I got mono from the intern. Not like that, though. Coughs, sneezes, whatever. She's the only person I know who's had it recently.

Thankfully, I'm not spreading it at the moment, since my doctor has me home from work and Silly M is off hiking 150 miles of the Appalachian Trail with a friend. I'm a bit freaked out that I might have got him sick, and would feel awful if I a) put him in danger or b) ruined his vacation.

Hoping to hear from him soon, and have my fingers crossed that he's already immune to Epstein-Barr.