
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The state of the Abba report

2006 has been a very good year, so far.

After last year, which was the worst of my life thus far, things couldn't be better this time around.

It's a welcome change. Things are looking up at work. For me, at least. I'm not sure all of my colleagues are as pleased as I am with the way things are changing. But for me and my work, I'm finally feeling trusted and respected for the expertise I have and the acutal work I do. I'm doing less drudgery and more editorial and creative things. My paycheck is a little fatter, this year, too. Which is a welcome change.

I have a healthy batch of freelance projects in the works, too. These are challenging but fulfilling.

I've been mostly keeping my resolution to get to the gym 3-4 nights a week (except for the week I had the flu). I'm noticing muscles and feeling quite a bit more confident about my appearance. The gym's the only place where I can wear a sleeveless shirt this time of year, so I've been taking advantage to show off the tattoo.

Three friends and I have started a Tuesday night dinner club in my neighborhood. Those of us in the group represent three different religions, so very often our conversations tend toward the inter-religous.

I've just learned that friends who live nearby whom I thought might be moving are staying.

I'm going to stop teaching ESL on Wednesdays. I love teaching. But I've done it for three-and-a-half years, and it's time to do something new with my Wednesday nights.

I've joined a study of the Biblical books of Luke and Acts. Which will be a new thing for me. I've done plenty of academic study of the Old Testament, but have spent very little time on the New Testament.

All in all, things are a-movin' and a-shakin' in good and creative ways.

Stay tuned.


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