
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring cleaning

I've been a very bad blogger, lately, and I think it's because things are going well in my life.

I'm done with my spring cleaning, which involved reconfiguring my wireless network so I can route Pottercast and my entire music library through my stereo speakers.

The audio sounds great, but for some reason the audio encoded with downloaded iTunes video doesn't transmit through the wireless network. Must be encoded differently. Anyone who's more of a techie than I know what's going on, here?

The spring cleaning involved painting, moving furniture, changing art rearranging storage and pitching, donating or selling anything I haven't used in the past year. Wow, does it feel good to come home to a clean and uncluttered apartment every night. Taking my CDs out of their jewel cases and organizing them in albums helped me rediscover some old favorites.

I've also managed to keep a new flowering plant alive for two weeks, and it has two new buds on it. Perhaps I have a latent green thumb, after all. While cleaning I made room for the funeral plant the staff at my job sent me last year when Grandpa died, and when I was at my folks' this weekend my mom and I repotted it into a larger planter that matches my decor. It's way too big to fit in my car, so my parents are delivering it next month.

I finished and delivered a huge screenprinting order and I'm in the final stages of a pro-bono freelance project. The money from the screenprinting will be very helpful for my later-this-year new car purchase. I have another freelance project which I'm ready to start and two more potential projects.

So things are good. Plus, I voted today in the Illinois primaries, so I feel particularly civic.


Blogger Heto said...

Congratulations on voting! I always feel so much better after I vote.

And do you really enjoy the Pottercast? I tried to listen to it once, but I couldn't get into it... perhaps because I don't have an mp3 player and I have to sit at my computer to listen. I don't know. Should I try listening to it a couple more times, maybe?

4:11 PM  
Blogger Abba said...

Yes, I really enjoy Pottercast. I usually listen at my desk at work. I think you might have to listen a couple times to get into it. The hosts are fun, but there have been a lot of weird inside jokes that have developed over the episodes, and while they try to explain them to new listeners, it can be a bit confusing. One of the hosts, John, reminds me a lot of my friend Rob.

8:52 AM  

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