
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The return of naked guy

Tonight's workout CD: Putumayo's Arabic Groove (again)

In my former job, I worked with a group of people who liked to party. Nothing crazy, really. An occasional kegger or driveway barbecue or billiards tournament at one of the neighborhood dive bars. We all worked more hours than for which we were hired. No one else could stand to socialize with us. So we worked together during the day, and relaxed together at night.

We went all-out for Halloween. I attended a party with some of the best-costumed people I've ever encountered, including: A human tornado (who made a in inverted, conical wig out of black gauzy fabric and affixed toy trailers and farm animals within. A dead Bob Saget, complete with cobwebs. A human word seek-and-find which included all the names on the party's guestlist. A human reporter's notebook. And naked guy.

Naked guy started out in a trenchcoat and cowboy boots. Until the boss left. Then, it was down to a leather thong. And, finally, uh, nothing.

Halloween was his birthday, he said, so he came in his birthday suit. Thankfully, when I danced with him he was still wearing the trenchcoat.

For months to follow, a photo of his posterior graced many a farewell card for departing employees. The card read: "You're leaving it all behind."

I've moved on to a new job. And he's moved to a new job in another state.

Downtown, today, I walked into a conference room for Adobe software training. As I claimed the same seat I'd occupied yesterday, I looked three places to my right. A new student for today's session. None other than naked guy.


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