
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Monday, June 21, 2004

The reward: Dehydration and aching muscles

Tonight's workout CD: Putumayo's Arabic Groove (again)

I haven't been to the gym in two weeks. It felt good to go back tonight.

I've been busy, barely keeping on top of my seminary classwork. And having my uncle as a houseguest for three days was great, but did little to help me keep my regular weekly schedule.

My seminary professor emailed me remarks on my most recent paper. "Excellent," he said, and "I was planning on making similar comments in the near future."

I hope the quality of my work makes up for my infrequent posts to the class discussion. I'm one of the top posters in the class, but we're all falling short of the stated goal of three papers per week.

This week's goals: 1) Make a home-cooked meal Monday (done!), Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 2) Go to the gym Monday (done!), Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 3) Post an email for seminary class Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 4) Pack a lunch for work Wednesday and Thursday.

I'm giving myself tonight off of classwork because I worked hard over the weekend. So I'm off to read something equally fluffy as this, which always makes me think of the good-luck gift Meckhead gave me before a first date, once. It was a good date. But the Harry Potter bubble bath proved far more useful in the long run.


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