
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Tomboy miracle #1

(First in an occasional series)

I'm no girly girl.

Those of you who know me already know this. I have no patience for make-up or hoochy-mama black pants (except bad-ass ones with zippers up the sides) or, well, anything trixie. My favorite nail polish color is silver. Ditto for eyeliner.

I can get away with a lot of nonconformity because I work as a graphic designer.

Lipstick, however, continues to elude me. Sure, I may apply some on my way out the door to work, but after the first cup of coffee I'm back to pale. I don't have the patience to re-apply.

Besides, my perpetually chapped lips (not from anything fun, mind you) cry out for Vitamin E, not some wine-colored wax.

Today, I found the answer. A morning application of this took me through church, teaching ESL, eating lunch, and a two-hour nap.

It also stands up to constant applications of healing lip balm.

Tomboys of the world, celebrate!


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