
Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, United States

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Name that tune

(Tonight's workout CD: P.O.D. Satellite)

In my previous post, I forgot to mention that the aforementioned Austin party featured the great fondue pot fire of 2004, which thankfully burned itself out to a strangely appropriate (and completely random) musical selection: Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire".

Speaking of parties, one of my salsa classmates just e-vited me to a summer cookout later this month. I'm so glad to be in town the next few weekends, and therefore able to accept invitations to hang out with my local friends. Nothing like a suburban grill-fest to start the summer off right.

Rumor has it that Monika is going to be in town tomorrow. Will I see her?

My friends Janelle and Brad also just accepted my offer to shoot their wedding. I gave them fair warning that I'm not wedding-experienced (in either sense), but my price was right and their expectations are reasonable. I'm looking forward to the challenge and glad I can help out on their big day.


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